Nem déficit, nem superávit na seguridade social : contra-reforma com retenções, renúncias e suplementações orçamentarias




This paper presents a contextualized evaluation of the financial flows of Social Security from 2002 to 2007. Temporality thus delimited to permit the budget analysis post Constitutional Act no. 20/1998, as well as the financial flows before and after Constitutional Act 41/2003, which are key factors to analyze the counter-reform and demonstrate that there is neither deficit nor surplus on the basis of funding of Social Security. But, the capitalist attack in the extraction of its resources is real, which hinders the globalization of social security policies, and mainly the attendance to the demands of the Brazilian population, especially that of the Social Welfare. The rationality and the interpretative deterioration of the budget parts is, for the state convenience, in political weapon to justify the counter-reform, giving space for the political forces opposite to its globalization and materialization to state the deficit existent in the social welfare, and defend reforms, in relation to restriction of rights, as a way of overcoming the supposed financial imbalance. The EC-20/1998 and the 41/2003 produced a counter-reform in the Social Welfare, for they legislated against the logic of citizenship with which the constituent power brought life to Social Security. Thus the management resources collected and distributed in that period, reveals a state conduct of disrespect to the concept of Social Security, which calls for an analysis/denouncement about the civil responsibility of the State for financial corrosion that will reduce its quality and materiality. Besides the effort to understand the financial budget complexity, there is also that of building a political analysis, reflecting the social security as a right of the worker, but also as non merchandize. Based on this, we used the Marxist perspective as method of analysis, since the historical materialism favors an approach where the human beings are subjects and producers of history and this is what we call materialistic conception of history. The contribution of Marxism in the elaboration of this analysis allows us to consider that the social policies were valuable tools of the capitalism, but in the contemporariness, the world capitalism, draws from them its last breath. We do not deny the efficiency of the Social Welfare as a distributor of minimum resources. To be first in the economic perspective is that the governmental arguments sought for legitimacy and consequently, performed the counterreform. But, its management produced neither deficit nor surplus, since it is a social policy and not a capitalist organization.


orçamento público seguridade social servico social contra-reforma mundialização financeira

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