NavegaÃÃo em redes espacialmente correlacionadas. / Navigation in a spatially correlated network


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A significant number of real networks have well-defined spatial characteristics. We studied how network with spatially correlated topolgies can influence the processes of navigation through them. For this, we study the behavior of the average shortest-path length to networks defined within Kleinbergâs model [1, 2] to analyze the navigation dictated by rules of global knowledge. The Kleinbergâs model is characterized by allowing long-range connections between two vertices u and v distributed by a power-law probability distribution. For a better understanding of the topological characteristics presented by this family of networks, we applied the epidemic model susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) and we found that, we see that the Kleinbergâs model presents the small-world phenomenon only for a certain range of values of the clustering exponent α. We introduced a model of spatially embedded networks, conceptually based on the Kleinbergâs model. This model consist in introduction of a constrain to the distribution of long-range connections. We associate his constrain to a possible cost involved in the process of adding new long-range connections to the network. We studied how this cost constrain affects the navigation through the system, taking as a basis for comparison the work of Kleinberg for navigation with local knowledge, and our results conserning for navigation with global knowledge.


fisica estatistica e termodinamica fÃsica estatÃstica sistemas complexos redes complexas statistical physics complex systems complex networks

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