NÃpcias de fogo: vampirismo, inveja e Ãdio em tia Clara




Vampires are beings that stole the vital energy from the blood of tneir victims. Itâs based on Stoker that we buil this conception os vampire and itâs from it that we sugest the analisys of the novel NÃpcias de fogo from Nelson Rodrigues. To Stoker the idea of vampire appears based on the analisys of the habit of the prince Vlad Tsepesh, from Romania, of drinking the dead enemies blood. He inspired the building of Stokerâs most popular character, the Vampire Dracula which is a mithic figure round of legends that comes from his supernatural power till his specific way to die. To our research, the Stokerâs vampire appears like a model that gives base to analise the character âtia Clara(aunt Clara)â from the novel of Nelson Rodrigues. She is a cold heart snake woman, misterious, serious and likes to control everyone. She lives at the brotherâs and, so, manipulates each person that lives on the same space. Cruelly cold and Aunt Clara gives all her love to her youngest nephew DÃris treating her as a daughter which she never had, it means, in her psyco wish, she produces, in her nephewâs figure, a kind of son and obligates him to see her full power. As we can see this work is based on readings of Literature and Psycoanalisis, by corssing the elements of the speech of the character in foccus with the psycoanalitical conceptions found basicaly in Freud and Lacan. But itâs not a work worried about to reveal the psycological ways of the human behaviour but, in fact, tries to do a critical analisys of a specific literary character, taking base on the point of view of vampire presented by Stoker, driving our attention to this character, pointing social and cultural aspects used in the development of the speech that compound the novel in foccus


crÃtica literÃria literatura literatura comparada psicanÃlise teoria literaria

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