"Não linearidades ópticas em azocompostos" / Optical nonlinearities in azocompounds




This work reports on the temperature dependence of linear and nonlinear properties of azocompounds solutions due to isomerization mechanisms. The dependence of pipi* transitions on the linear structure of azocompounds is already noticeble in the measurements of absorption spectra as function of the temperature for the trans isomer. Knowing the energy levels and the relaxation times through isomerization, it was possible to obtain the exchange dynamics between cis and trans conformations. Nonlinear measurements provided interesting properties associated with the energy levels of de compounds. For exemple, through Z-scan and pumpprobe experiments, it was possible to verify that azocompounds present a high transparency when excited and that this transparency disapears when the izomerization ends. The wavelength change has shown that the observed transparency is present along the complete pipi* band, but not in the npi* band. It was also observed that the isomerization time changes with the exciting wavelength, which may be related to the superposition of both bands. The results obained with femtoseconds pulses were essential to completily describe the photoisomerization process observed with Z-scan measurements using picoseconds and nanoseconds pulses. These measurements provided values of the crosssection of the cis conformation, which are difficult to be quantified due to the short lifetime of this isomer. Besides ressonant results, experiments of two-photon absorption in the femtosecond regime using the Z-scan technique were made. These studies shown the dependence of the two photons absorption cross-section on structural features of molecules such as conjugation length, push-pull groups and planarity. The ressonant and nonressonant results obteined with femtoseconds have provide the calibration of the Z-scan technique with white light pulses. This technique has been found able to obtain the spectra of ressonat and nonressonant nonlinearities in a single measurement (about 5 minutes), diminishing laser fluctuation during the experiment.


life-time refração não linear azocopounds Óptica não linear absorção de dois fótons femptossegundos femtosecond moltiphoton absorption pulso de luz branca técnica de excitação e prova dependência com a temperatura excited state absorption nonlinear refraction absorção multifotônica azocompostos thermal dependence varredura-z tempo de vida absorção de estado excitado nonlinear optics white light continuum pump-probe method two-photon absorption z-scan

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