Dynamic of optical nonlinearities in macromolecules and oligomers / Dinâmica de não linearidades ópticas em macromoléculas e oligômeros




This work reports the dynamic nonlinear optical properties of organic compounds, namely, ytterbium bis-phthalocyanine, furfuryl alcohol derivatives and azo-aromatic compounds. In order to carry out this investigation we developed an experimental extension to the standard Z-scan technique, named Z-scan with pulse trains. In this method, pulse trains contained in Q-switched/mode-locked lasers can be advantageously used to study dynamic optical nonlinearities in the 10-1000 ns time interval, allowing the discrimination between fast and slow (cumulative) nonlinear effects. The results obtained in the compounds studied with this technique, complemented with linear optical measurements, permitted the nonlinear refraction and absorption origin to be determined, allowing the characterization of excited state spectroscopic parameters.


dynamics nonliear absorption absorção não linear dinâmica da não linearidade trem de pulsos varredura-z refração não linear nonlinear refraction pulse trains nonlinear optics óptica não linear z-scan

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