Mutual influence, family - school, on the scholar inclusion of children with visual deficiency / As mútuas influências, família-escola, na inclusão escolar de crianças com deficiência visual




The framework study of this thesis is the understanding of the mutual influence role exerted between family - school , during the scholar inclusion process.The thesis objective is to identify how the process of scholar inclusion of visual deficient child influences his familiar relationship, and reversely, how the family influences the child in the process of scholar inclusion. The familiar relationship and the scholar inclusion process is a highly relevant theme to understand the deficient child development and interaction. Besides being subject of investigations , nothing has been found by consulting pertinent sources related to the mutual influence role over the mentioned theme. The carried out investigation is a broad study over children with blindness or subnormal vision involving four families. The investigation was taken based upon qualitative,descriptive and exploratory approachs by gathering data from the family, professors and specialized institution coordinators. Semi structural interviews were conducted with deficient children, their respective mothers, and specialized institution coordinators. The regular school teachers of these children responded to a questionnaire for data gathering. The written recorded data analysis has made evident the fundamental role of the family - school interaction regarding to the scholar inclusion process. The family cooperative attitude regarding to the school has remarkably favoured this process. At the school side, the opening and availability attitudes, in attendig the visual deficient student, are fundamental elements for the interaction and development of them. The gathered data analysis has brought into light that the familiar dynamics was affected by the visual deficient insertion at school.The familiar dynamics was altered bringing new perspective to the family regarding to the child development, hopes and trust. It was also found that discriminating attitudes, behaving manner restriction and professors inadequate formation, negatively affected the inclusion process. The main concern of this thesis is the educational condition regarding the visual deficient child. To the referred concern was givem a motive for a study involving the family of the visual deficient child. The objective aimed at this study was the understanding and identification of mutual influences as exerted between the school and family in the social and scholar inclusion process. The findings drawn from the searching data lead to a conclusion that the relationship between school and the family, directly influences the student with visual deficiency inclusion in the scholar environment. The relevant relationship between family and school in the inclusion porcess put forward for consideration a study continuity to deeply understand this theme.


visual deficiency relação escola-família deficiente visual educação educação inclusiva education inclusion education family-school relationship scholar inclusion inclusão escolar

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