Música e cena: Uma proposta de delineamento da musicalidade no teatro




This work focuses on the musicality in a theatrical context and suggests a delineation of its fundaments. It considers that the musical language achieves its own nature by entering the Theater, as a consequence of the scene requests, demanding the development of specific procedures, as so as the adequate musical education of the actor. This work also points out a disparity between the education of the actor and the expressive requirements of the theatrical language, which comes as a result of the lack of knowledge about the relation between Music and Theater. Because of that, this work brings out the necessity of constructing means to know thoroughly the identity of this relation its reality and its possibilities. With this purpose, the research carries out a study of the main theatrical aesthetics of the 20th century, aiming its resources and acting strategies. From the obtained information, the previously suggested delineation is developed through the following methodological course: identification of the elements of musicality in the theatrical aesthetics selected by the research; analysis of the obtained data; and the organization of the data according to categories and subcategories of signification. As a result of this methodological course, the dissertation presents an overview of the main features or fundaments of the interaction Music- Theater.


linguagem teatral teses. teatro estética séc. xx teses. música e teatro teses. teses eba.

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