Multi-modelo de referência para planejamento em espectro de alta complexidade / A multi-model reference for planning high complexity spectrum




This thesis intends to contribute to the planning guidelines in the field of distance education (DE). Thus, it develops a multi-model reference proposal supported by the definition of a highly complex spectrum of strategies that considers a sequence of systematic procedures in the following phases: (i) Determining the information needs in two stages: (a) identification of the critical success factors (CSF), and (b) identification of the information areas; (ii) Determination of competences in three stages, determining: (a) knowledge, (b) skills, and (c) attitudes; (iii) Determination of the degree of competence evaluation; and (iv) Determination of strategies in knowledge networks. There is the application to a case study of the road concessions in Brazil, within the perspective of public-private partnerships (PPPs). The research was achieved through the intervention of specialists and a small group of students from a DE program (MBA) applied to the PPPs. The data collection was conducted by means of a semi-structured form, the scalar type in a trial matrix, to which experts ascribed their assessments. Several support instruments were used in the modeling elaboration in order to reduce subjectivity in the results: psychometric scales - Thurstones Law of Comparative Judgment (LCJ), Multi-criteria Compromise Programming, Electre III, and Promethee II; Multivariate Analysis; Krigage, Artificial Neural Networking (ANN); Neuro-fuzzy networks. The results produced are satisfactory, validating the proposed procedure for DE. This is an essential procedure for the definition of programs designed to plan the training of human resources at a distance, as well as to establish other elements of intellectual capital for DE guidelines.


educação a distância planejamento multi-model reference parcerias público-privadas (ppps) distance education multi-modelo de referência planning public-private partnerships (ppps)

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