Mulheres Apaixonadas: a imagem da mulher contemporânea na telenovela / Passionates women: the image of contemporary women in the brazilian soap opera




Women in love: the contemporary woman image in the soap opera comes to analyse the first chapter of Women in love (Mulheres Apaixonadas) written by Manuel Carlos and Tv-broadcasted by Rede Globo, on February seventeenth of 2003. The theoretical line that edges the research is the semiotic French line theory developed by A. J. Greimas and his disciples. The dissertation is divided in two parts. The first one is compounded by seven chapters resulted of analysises from the main figurative thematic nucleus of the text. You can observe in it how the stories of the characters are articulated and produce certain effects of sense that are arranged in a world like the viewers own reality. The chosen narratives and discursive talks reveal in what way they delimit the roles that each woman is assuming in the plot, threading their way through their journeys. The second part of this work is dedicated to the syncretism of languages since it is the basis of a broadcasting tv-text. We will work on the effects of sense produced by images and also from semi-symbolic relations established among the elements of the expression plan and the contents plan. In all, the dissertation shows in what manner the tvsoap opera represents women in the beginning of XXI century and which discursive mechanisms manipulate the desire of the viewer to watch the show.


mulher telenovela brasileira woman semi-symbolic brazilian soap opera semi-simbólico semiótica sincretismo syncretism semiotics

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