Mulches effect produced through mechanical management with a lateral rotary mower on the population dynamics of weeds on citrus. / Efeitos de diferentes coberturas mortas obtidas a partir do manejo mecânico com roçadeira lateral na dinâmica populacional de plantas daninhas em citros.




With the objective of evaluating the effect of the mulches produced by the cover crop Dolichos lablab, Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea, Pennisetum glaucum, a mixture of three cover crops (Dolichos lablab + Cajanus cajan + Crotalaria juncea), and a natural infestation in orange tree plantations composed mostly by Panicum maximum on weeds and to evaluate the effect of these cover crop on the following weeds Richardia brasiliensis, Panicum maximum, Blainvillea biaristata, Emilia sonchifolia, Digitaria horizontalis, Ipomea grandifolia, Bidens pilosa, Sida santaremnensis and Cyperus rotundus, in conditions of pos and pre-emergence, two experiments in field conditions and four in greenhouse conditions were carried out at the Superior School of Agricultura "Luiz of Queiroz", University of São Paulo, Plant Production Department, São Paulo, Piracicaba – SP - Brazil. The experimental design used was of randomized blocks for an experiment in the field and randomized blocks in the factorial design for the others. The mechanical management of the different crops was carried out utilizing a KAMAQ lateral rotary mower Ninja Mac 260, designed to throw the cut crops down forming a layer of mulch around the citric plant. The data collected during the experiments were planta/m2 and plant/pot density, determination of some chemical conditions of the soil and weed dry biomass production in g/pot. In the carried out experiments, it could be observed that the use of mulches produced by different crops contributes significantly to reduce weeds. The best results were obtained in a natural infestation and the mixture of three cover crops. The fertilization in the whole area regardless the cover crops, presents a minor density of weeds in the lines of the citric plants. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the use of cover crops contributes widely to reduce weeds, supporting integrated management of weeds and providing with other inherent benefits.


mulch cobertura morta fruta cítrica planta daninha rotary mower citric fruit adubo verde adubação cover crop roçadora fertilization wead

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