Motivation in school context and academic achievement / Motivação no contexto escolar e desempenho academico




The present research had the objective of investigating the existence of possible relationships between the motivational orientations and the academic achievement of elementary students, as well as investigating whether or not different levels of academic development are tied to different motivational standards 150 countryside public school students aged between 9 and 12 were analyzed and both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations were evaluated by the means of a survey. The questionnaire contained 31 questions: 15 of them related to intrinsic motivation and the other 16 to investigate extrinsic motivation. The student?s school performance has been obtained through a test that was elaborated by the Evaluation System of the School Results from São Paulo (SARESP/2004). The results showed that the motivational orientations and the academic achievement are related in some cases, but that relationship has not always been clear and constant. On what regards the intrinsic motivation and the academic development, the results show that on fourth-graders the correlation is significant and positive, which reveals that the more intrinsic motivation students have, the better will their academic development be. On thirdgraders, however, these two characteristics are independent from one-another. Moreover, on both fourth and third-graders, there hasn?t been any significant difference between groups with distinct development levels. On what regards the extrinsic motivation, the results show a significant negative correlation, which means that on both fourth and third-graders the more extrinsic motivation students have, the worse will their academic development be


basic education motivação na escola motivation fracasso escolar rendimento escolar pertaining to school ensino fundamental income failure

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