Mothers of deaf children : the construction of the identities in their narratives / Ser mãe ouvinte de filho surdo: a construção de identidade na narrativa de mães de crianças surdas




This paper analyzes the discursive identities in the narratives of hearing mothers of deaf children in Group Therapy Orientation. To do so, it takes the premises of Social-Interaction Linguistics, Social Psychology, Anthropology, Systemic Functional Grammar, and Speech Pathology and uses the processes of the transitivity system,proposed by Halliday, the concepts of framing and alignment, proposed by Batenson and Goffman, respectively., as units of analysis The analysis of the interactions, considering identities that were socio-interactively and discursively constructed, sought to investigate in which type of processes of the system of transitivity each one of the principal and reported participants were involved, within a qualitative-interpretive prism. According to this analysis, the mothers discursively construct themselves as proactive, caring, acting and speaking to and for the deaf children, who, because of the stigma produced by deafness, are not identified as capable and talking subjects in many occasions. These results may contribute to professionals of education and health who assist the deaf and their families, by helping them to articulate forms of ntervention and guidance that could offer greater opportunities for the development of the deaf, as well as improve the interacting processes among deaf relatives.


surdez analyses of narratives surdos - linguagem construction of identity deafness orientação terapêutica em grupo construção de identidade análise de narrativas surdos - meios de comunicação group therapy orientation linguística linguistica análise do discurso

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