Construction of Deaf Identity A Professor / Construção da Identidade de Um Professor Surdo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The studies about the education of the deaf increasingly seek to investigate and to comprehend their emancipation, not only as members that are included in a regular classroom but also as members of a cultural group. However, it is necessary that the identity issues and the education of deaf teachers be incorporated in the scientific research. Most of the research regarding the education of teachers and deafness are restricted to the education of the listener teacher that works directly with deaf students. We would like to propose a broader analysis of the construction of the identity of all teachers starting from the life history of a deaf teacher. We used the oral story methodology and it is important to stress that in all of the interview process was utilized video recording so that the techniques of the life history as well as the video recording allowed us to perform the necessary deep assessment of this matter. With the collaboration of an interpreter of LIBRAS we interviewed in five sessions a deaf teacher who teaches LIBRAS and who has been working for 13 years in the city of Fortaleza-CE. He is in the middle of the process of his academic education, more specifically in the Language Education course at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). We based the analysis of the data on the studies of Goffman (1985) and Ciampa (1987) to discuss the identity. Regarding the identity and the culture of the deaf we were based on the studies of Perlin (1997), Silva (2009), Skliar (2005) and Quadros (2004). The research of Delgado (2006), Thompson (1997), Fontana (2005) e Nóvoa (1995) about the methodological development of the research were also considered. The testimony of the UFCs subject above mentioned was connected to the theoretical studies. The results suggested that the potentiality of teaching of the interviewee was a gradual process, especially in the contacts that he established with other deaf people and with people in the educational arena. Part of his education formation was marked by a perspective that associated deafness and incapacity and pathology. The appropriation of LIBRAS and his engagement in the culture of the deaf were crucial during this process of construction of his identity as a deaf and as a teacher. His life history confirms: the deaf are, in general, constrained of many possibilities in a school that is contrary to their linguistic peculiarities. Nonetheless, the respect towards their language set the stage to more significant interactions that lead new possibilities of incorporation in the school and work environments to emerge. Taking into account these results we can conclude that there is still the need to continue the studies in this area, especially those that are related to the pedagogical interference in order to enable an education that allows the deaf better accessibility conditions to the social rights. This will be achieved through an education that respects the peculiarities of the language and through cognitive elaborations of these people.


formação docente educação identidade surdez educacao deafness education identity formation of the teachers

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