Moral Harassment to labor relations / Assédio moral nas relações de emprego




ABSTRACT The theme about moral harassment that concerns this dissertation arose from the observation of some veridical cases in which the employer started to harass the employee so as to lead him or her to resign, out of his or her own initiative, thus being freed from the burden of discharge indemnity. Based on this idea, the present work was carried out in order to demonstrate the occurrence of moral harassment in employer / employee relationship, as well as to warn about the outcome of such conduct. It was initiated with a brief account of early labor relations, the problem of inequality among their subjects, which leads to frequent disrespect of workersdignity, and the importance of a sound work environment that may foster the balance of these relations. Thereafter, moral harassment in various types of relationship was approached, followed by the event of moral harassment in labor relations. The final chapter dealt with the consequences of moral harassment to labor relations; nevertheless, without exhausting the theme, as well as approached some suggestions to curtail the problem.


employer direito assédio moral labor relations employee employment assédio moral direito moral harassment employer empregado empregador direito do trabalho assédio employee empregado relação emprego moral harassment relação emprego labor relations employment empregador

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