Monensin e yeast on oil diets fed to Nellore finishing bulls / Monensina e levedura em dietas com óleo fornecidas a touros Nelores em terminação




This work had the objective of evaluate the use of monensin, yeast and the interaction of these additives on Nellore digestive metabolism and performance. It were conducted two trials. Experiment 1. It were utilized four Nellore steers with rumen and duodenum cannulas to evaluate the diet degradability, digestibility, biohydrogenation, rumen microrganisms and methane emission when supplied monensin and/or yeast on the diet with sunflower oil in a latin square desing and a 2x2 fatorial arranjement.The treatments were with and without yeast and with and without monensin. The yeast utilized was the Sacharomyces cerevisiae 1026 strain. The variables studied were in situ degradability, in vivo digestibility evaluated by indicator method NDFi, pH, ammonia nitrogen and rumen short chain fatty acid, ciliate protozoa, biohydrogenation, and estimative of bactéria Anaerovibrio lipolyica, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens e Megasphaera elsdenii, by real time PCR. Experiment 2. A trial was realized to evaluate the performance and carcass and meat characteristics of Nellore steers utilizing the additives above. It were utilized fifthty two Nellore bulls with 233kg live weight average in a random blocks design. The monensin supplied decreased the protozoa number, the relative efficiency of B. fibrosolvens, increased feed efficiency and the percentage of C18:1 trans10-11 and C18:2 t11c15 in the meat. The use of yeast increased the effective degradability of DM, the TDN, ciliate protozoa, rumen pH, DM intake, unsaturated fatty acid on the duodenal content, and the saturated fatty acid in the meat, and decreased the feed efficiency, saturated fatty acid on the duodenum content and the unsaturated fatty acid of the meat. There were interaction effect to NDF digestibility, dry matter intake per kg of metabolic weight, fat thickness, and unsaturated fatty acid in the meat. The use of monensin was efficient to get the feed efficiency better. The utilization of yeast culture, even in a oil diet, was favorable to rumen microorganisms and the diet energy.


biohydrogenation biohidrogenação long chain fatty acid probiotics Ácidos graxos de cadeia longa ionóforos probióticos ionophores

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