Molecular cloning and genetic analysis of the suppressor-of-white-apricot locus from Drosophila melanogaster.


We report genetic and molecular analysis of the suppressor-of-white-apricot [su(wa)] locus, one of several retrotransposon insertion allele-specific suppressor loci in Drosophila melanogaster. First, we isolated and characterized eight new mutations allelic to the original su(wa)1 mutation. These studies demonstrated that su(wa) mutations allelic to su(wa)1 affected a conventional D. melanogaster complementation group. Second, we cloned the chromosomal region containing the su(wa) complementation group by P element transposon tagging. The ca. 14-kilobase region surrounding the su(wa) complementation group contained five distinct transcription units, each with a different developmentally programmed pattern of expression. Third, we used a modified procedure for P-mediated gene transfer to identify the transcription unit corresponding to su(wa) by gene transfer. Fourth, we found that the presumptive su(wa) transcription unit produced a family of transcripts (ranging from ca. 3.5 to ca. 5.2 kilobases) in all developmental stages, tissue fractions, and cell lines we examined, suggesting that the gene is universally expressed.

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