Modernização e rebeldia : a dinâmica da política regencial e a Revolta da Balaida no Maranhão (1831 - 1841)




We analyze the political modernization of society in Maranhão during the regency experience in this thesis, giving priority to its most violent expression, the Balaiada Rebellion. We seek to understand the dynamics and functioning of the political regency game according to modern order Brazilian society, by analyzing practices and values that brought it about, not only in the institutional space, but also transmitted by and in social texture. As documentary corpus, we consider governmental and non- governmental sources and, above all Protests, Requirements and Public Statements from the community and also correspondence from the Balaio rebels. We give priority in the study object construction to reading and the way of looking upon the society in Maranhão regarding the modernizing project, as well as the rebel disturbances in the Balaiada movement. Articulating those multiple discourses with the setting up and dismantling practices of institutions during the Regency, with the coming and going of general and provincial legislation, we seek to understand the deadlocks, the resistances, negotiations and political trends of the modernization experience in regency Maranhão. Our interest, in a wider sense, was to also articulate the political culture of the obstinacy with the understanding of the State/civil society relationship during the State construction and of the Brazilian nation, giving priority to the perspective of the society and of its popular layers.


revolta da balaiada popular layers modernização política maranhão camadas populares historia political modernization balaiada rebellion maranhão

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