Labirinto das almas : a diretoria geral dos indios - politica indigenista em Mato Grosso (1831 a 1889)




This dissertation aims to examine the indigenous politics in Mato Grosso between 1831 and 1889. Besides its evolutive and contínuos development, this event has been carried out by rupture, where each culture has adopted the colonization discourse according to their receptive modalities. The Imperial State, editing the regulamentation 426, witch oriented the Diretoria Geral dos índios institute, wanted to incorporate the indigenous societies to the settlement project of the XIX century. The provincial government in its turn, trying to put this in practice, had suffered some pressure dictated by its interior diversity witch has stopped its consummation in a harmonic way. The N. S. do Bom Conselho and the Normal de Miranda missions in the region of low Paraguai, one of the delimited object for studding, was a stage of an indigenist politic full of discontinuities and marked by the limits of a knowledge witch considered itself as the unique and truly knowledge. Watching this region suffer its disintegration with the Paraguay invasion, this politics turns its strength agnest other societies, specially the Bororó Coroados, obstacles to the construction of the road to the south provinces. The cultural multiplicity of the local folks, witch in the colonization discourse, appeared to be easily dominated, became as time passed, something enigmatic and unacceptable, assuring with this the discontinuity and the tension to the colonization project


catequese historiografia indios da america do sul - brasil

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