Modelos lineares mistos em dados longitudionais com o uso do pacote ASReml-R / Linear Mixed Models with longitudinal data using ASReml-R package


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Currently, most part of the experiments installed is designed to be carried out observations over time or at different depths. These experiments usually have a longitudinal factor. One way of analyzing this data set is by using mixed models through means of inclusion of random effect factors, and it is possible to estimate the variance components associated to such factors with lower bias by using the Restricted maximum likelihood method (REML). The ASRemi-R statistic package, very efficient in fitting mixed linear models because it has a wide variety of structures for the variance - covariance matrices already implemented, presents the disadvantage of having neither the design matricesX and Z, nor the variance - covariance matrices D and , and they are very important to verify the assumption of the model. This paper gathered tools which facilitate and provide steps to build models based on randomization such as the Hasse diagram, randomization diagram and the mixed model formulations including longitudinal factors. Since the conditional residuals and random effect parameters are confounded, that is, not independent, it was calculated residues called in the literature as least confounded residuals and as a proposal of this work, it was calculated the least confound EBLUP. It was implemented functions which using the objects of fitted models with the use of the ASReml-R statistic package becoming available the matrices of interests and calculate the least confounded residuals and the least confounded EBLUP. To elucidate the techniques shown in this paper and highlight the importance of the verification of the adopted models assumptions, it was considered two examples with longitudinal factors. The former example was a simple experiment and the second one conducted in three phases, containing completely confounded factors, with the purpose of evaluating the characteristics of the paper produced by different species of eucalyptus from different ages.


agricultural experiments análise de dados longitudinais applied statistics aviaries aviários estatística aplicada eucalipto eucalyptus experimentos agrícolas likelihood linear mixed models longitudinal data analysis modelos lineares mistos verossimilhança

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