Modelos estatísticos para mapeamento de QTL associados a dados de contagem / Statistical models for QTL mapping associated to counting data




This study has as main objective to analyze and compare statistical approaches to QTL mapping for parasites resistance in bovines. The animals, under artificial infestation, were periodically evaluated by counting, as ticks count. These data are characterized as repeated measures and, usually, dont follow or partially follow the usual requirements for the analysis, for QTL mapping, that is to present normal distribution and error independence. It is not clear yet which will be the best strategy to analyze this kind of data. Some alternatives could be data transformation that allows the use of software available on the web, or the development of specific programs that use other types of distribution like Poisson or Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP).This work is an association between EMBRAPA Gado de Leite and ESALQ/USP, to the development of the QTL mapping project for crossbred bovines (Gyr x Holstein), for different characteristics including the parasite resistance. Were used 263 animals F2, genotyped for 5 molecular markers on the chromosome 23, aiming to map QTL for characteristics of parasite resistance. Data collected on this F2 population and simulated data in different scenarios will be the base for the strategies of the QTL mapping approaches comparison. The classical mapping models and the use of data transformation of the original data were compared to Poisson regression and ZIP models. The Poisson and ZIP models presented the best results when working with zero inflated count data however in some other scenarios the data transformation showed similar efficiency. Depending on the purpose of the mapping (this meaning locate or estimate the QTL effect) each model has its vantages and its limitations. This way, it is always advisable to make a previous descriptive analysis of the data to better choose the model.


carrapatos selection zip model bovinos resistência genética animal. qtl bovines mapeamento genético dados de contagem count data ticks

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