Modelos culturais e o comportamento de retaliação do consumidor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The different types of consumer cultural models (i.e., utilitarian, oppositional and relational) tend to have an influence on consumer¿s retaliation behavior after dissatisfying experiences. To better understand this influence, an exploratory and qualitative study was developed, which relied on 18 informants who have engaged in retaliatory behavior. The data was collected based on storytelling technique and analyzed from a content analysis perspective. Findings indicate that consumers, influenced by their cultural models, engage in different retaliation actions (direct and indirect), present different objectives (economic and relational), different emotions (anger, anxiety, sadness, helplessness, among others), as well as different roles towards the provider (avenger, altruist and victim). Specifically, consumers with the oppositional cultural model engage in direct and indirect behaviors against the provider, motivated essentially by economic objectives. These consumers demonstrate emotions such as anger and indignation, and, because of that, they report a tendency to adopt the role of avenger, which represents an alternative to show they have the control over the situation. Consumers with the utilitarian cultural model prefer indirect retaliation behaviors and report emotions like anger and helplessness. They are oriented by economic objectives and adopt the avenger role primarily to obtain a compensation caused by the double deviation. Consumers influenced by the relational cultural model adopt mainly the victim role and their objective is basically relational. The engagement in retaliation behavior is motivated by the recognition from the provider that they are important for the maintenance of the business. Clients who act influenced by this cultural model tend to adopt direct and indirect retaliation and they report emotions such as anger, sadness and anxiety.


comportamento do consumidor cultural models consumer behavior modelos culturais retaliation behavior emotions consumer roles

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