Modelos Computacionais para Dinâmica de Populações Reais / Computer Models for Real Population Dynamics




The usefulness of mathematical, statistical and computational tools to study the behavior of biological systems has been affirmed on many opportunities. This interest is mostly due to the complexity presented by the populations that can suffer external influences,for example, due to the interaction with the environment, and internal influences due to the conflicting interests of the individuals of the ecosystem. Our proposal is modelling in a computer, biological phenomena observed in real populations, in order to understand and to analyze the effects of external factors, such as changes on health care and Medicine, changes in the climate or invasion of niches from intruder species. We will work with different models and computational tools such as genetic algorithms, that combine the survival of the fitter organisms with small random changes in its structures; and cellular automata, that allow the study of the space distribution of the population from simple rules for the dynamical evolution. In addition, we also present an analytic solution for one of the studied situations. In the first two chapters we use the so-called Penna model, appropriate to study the aging of populations, for being age structured, by modifying the model according to the situation we will be studying. In the following chapters we propose two new models for the substratum colonization for sessile marine animals, where larvae brought from distant populations compete for the colonization of submerged surfaces, where they will keep fixed during their lifetime.


pulgões (afideos) método de monte carlo ecology fisica da materia condensada envelhecimento population dynamics dinâmica populacional monte carlo method penna model (bit string) padrões de mortalidade modelo penna (bit string) ageing

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