Modelos computacionais de motores de indução em estudos transitorios de sistemas eletricos




This work presents a comprehensive analysis of the induction motor load behavior, when submitted to dynamical disturbances. The induction motor loads are represented by computational models of different orders, comprising single and double cage. Four major points of the problem are addressed: first, the performance of the different computational models in representing the transient behavior trigged by disturbances such as voltage dip, load torque sudden variation, motor starting and bus short-circuit; next, the dynamical aggregation of multiple motor models, aiming at reducing the computational effort; then, the simulation of bus transfer schemes, involving residual volt age and re-energization current calculation of multiple motor loads; and finally, the usage of artificial neural networks as an alternative modeling approach is investigated. As a result, a new and accurate method to aggregate multiple induction motor models is described. In addition, the new aggregation technique is successfully applied to bus transfer simulation schemes of multiple motors. Many test validation results are presented, using real induction motor databases. The analysis presented in this work can be very usefull to large network transient studies, as well as to industrial electrical system applications


sistemas de energia eletrica - estabilidade motores eletricos de indução

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