Modelo insumo-produto como instrumento de avaliação econômica da cadeia de suprimentos: o caso da exportação de flores de corte. / Input-output model for economic evaluation of the supply chain: the case of cut flowers exportation.




The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the performance of the cut flower sector, concerning supply chain integration and external market competitiveness, and to heighten the understanding of the contributions and obstacles of logistics to floriculture. An input-output model developed proved to be an important tool to evaluate the impact of changes in the processes involved in that exportation chain. Data were colleted from representative players of the flower chain, in the Holambra and Greater Sao Paulo regions, referring to every one of the stages associated to the gerbera and lily exportation processes, i.e., from production (A), to internal distribution by highway modal (B), to external distribution by airway modal (C) and to external distribution by highway modal (D). Five scenarios were built to analyze deficit and surplus situations and to evaluate the impact of failures occurring in each process of the cut flower chain. Technical parameters were identified in the scenarios composition, mainly related to logistics, that could interfere in the cut flower exportation. The values of three of them – number of stems by box, exchange rate and air freight – were modified and combined to create 36 simulations to support the analysis of those scenarios. The results point to the need for differentiated logistic adjusts in each process, according to the type of relationship established among the players involved in the stages. The development of the chain as a whole may be affected by lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the exported product, which causes distortions in the information forwarded to the players. It was verified that the failures occurring in each phase could increase costs and inhibit exportations in the event of unfavorable exchange rate movements. On the other hand, an increased stem number commercialized by box represented an alternative to assuage cost increases through the chain. Although production is characterized as an important link throughout all stages, unless the minimum conditions for adequate storage and transport are fulfilled, there will be significant losses in the commercialized volume, thus reducing this product competitiveness abroad and discontinuing its exportation in the long run. Therefore, it was corroborated that the integration of the chain is essential to the optimization of flower exportation, including the maximization of the economic and financial results related to this business segment.


distribuição de mercadorias multimodal transport distribution of merchandises exportação cut flower - economic analysis logistics logística exportation input-output - models transporte multimodal insumo-produto - modelos flor de corte - análise econômica

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