Modelo de maturidade de conversacional : um estudo preliminar


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It is based on the understanding that the conversations or discussions are to the human being the way you communicate and interact in a social context that is born this research project, whose goal is to identify the concepts, attributes and associations that constitute the pillars a potential conversational maturity model. This model will identify what level of maturity conversational individuals or organizations are making it possible to build an action plan for the development and maturation of conversational skills. The main result achieved was the identification of the pillars of the potential maturity model conversational, through a comprehensive and accurate bibliographical research, which sought to fill the gap at the intersection of the themes maturity model and conversational skills.


conversação maturidade comunicação nas organizações gestão do conhecimento ciencia da informacao maturity model conversational competence conversational maturity model

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