Modelo de gerenciamento de informações na cadeia de valor de mineração e de petróleo. / Information management model in the mining and oil value chain.




This thesis starts by identifying the key issues of the research: visualization and management of information. It is widely known that one of the most common difficulties in information management is to obtain a complete and integrated view of all the company processes and activities. Another common difficulty is to maintain the necessary data always precise, updated and available to whoever needs them, so that it will be possible for the user to identify discrepancies right at the beginning and to immediately visualize the most appropriate solutions for each case. Evaluating the use of process mapping and virtual reality applied to the mining and petroleum industry - including a brief historical background and examples of applications - it is verified how these technologies can help to solve the problems identified. This thesis describes then the research objectives, which are based on developing a model suited for the integration of information in the mining and oil industry. The integration between mine planning and operation, and between oil exploration and production, together with the analysis of the benefits of a central graphical database, are also included. The thesis includes a bibliographic review, related to the problems and solutions analyzed, and also the methodology that has been developed, including observation, interviews, discussions, and analysis with professionals from the mining and petroleum industry. The thesis uses as a case study the oil shale mine Rio das Pedras (a mine from PETROBRAS, in São Mateus do Sul, Paraná). A brief description of this mine, and the reasons for its use on this study, related to the fact that it combines oil and mining engineering, are also presented here. The results of the research includes the development of an information management model, an oil production chain model, and models for processes mapping and virtual reality. These results were presented at international events like Rio Oil &Gas Expo and Conference, in 2006, and SIAEM, in 2004. Through the simulation of basic operations, as ore transport to the plant, and with the aid of the most advanced software tools available, it was verified how the data could be easily obtained, and how these technologies could be improved - it is already possible to integrate some mining and oil industry aspects - with a quite favorable forecast for its future use in several applications in the mining and petroleum industry.


mining engineering planejamento de lavra gerenciamento de informações mine planning petroleum engineering engenharia de petróleo virtual reality realidade virtual information management engenharia de minas

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