Modelo computacional para determinação do risco econômico em culturas irrigadas / Computational model for economical risk determination in irrigated cultures




The agricultural companies were submitted to risky conditions, so the utility of deterministic models to planning is relatively limited. That implies in not despise the randomness of some coefficients and to introduce them in the project analysis. As a proposal of this work a Computational model for risk determination in irrigated cultures was elaborated for Windows XP® in Delphi 7.0 language, that allow the simulation of implanting and managing irrigations projects and their economical consequences under the risk conditions. This model considers, in a project form, the agronomical characteristics of the soil, of the culture and of the climate, to study, regionally, the water storage in the soil, the evapotranspiration, the culture development during the phenological phases and the selling price of the product. To reach its objectives the model accomplishes simulations in the selling price of the product, maintaining cost of the irrigation system, hours of needed work by hectare and per irrigation, water cost, useful life of the system and the welfare taxes, that were classified in classes as: five for useful live, maintain tax, hours of needed work by hectare and per irrigation, water cost and welfare taxes; and ten for selling price. With those parameters the model generated 31,250 values of annual combined liquid profits of the classes with their respective probability of occurrence, allowing a probabilistic study of the possible results in the acquisition of an irrigation system, e.g., the probability of the project viability. This tool, as its results, simulates and displays the economical factor probability and calculates the variable and the non variable costs, total costs and annual profits of irrigation. With the 31,250 values of annual profits and their probabilities, it realizes the adherence test to the density functions of normal or triangular probability and exhibits the project viability probabilities, cost/profit relation, expected value of liquid profit, absolute deviance, variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation as economical indexes involved in the decision of or not of to irrigate. It also presents a sensibility analysis of the annual profit as a function of the economical variation factors and the participation, in percentage, of those factors in the total cost of the irrigation. In the analysis of sugarcane irrigation in the Piracicaba region, all tested systems showed a cost/profit relation inferior to one and expected annual irrigation profit values negative indicating the inviability. The use of a diesel motor, for any system, showed the null probability of the annual profit to be higher then zero. Among the tested systems the center pivot showed the highest probability of annual liquid profits higher then zero (10.7%) using electrical energy. In the case of tomato culture for industry under irrigation, in the Piracicaba region, all systems were viable, e.g., the relation cost/profit ever higher then one and expected values of annual liquid profits positive. Among them the conventional aspersion showed the higher relation between cost/profit with a mean of 4.74, the highest expected value of annual liquid profit of R$ 1,582.60 ha-1 year-1 and with the lower risk with standard deviation of R$ 363.99 ha-1 year-1.


crop cultivated evapotranspiration risk analysis irrigation irrigação simulation (statistical) preço agrícola estatística computacional agricultural price water balance computational statistical simulação (estatística) análise de risco balanço hídrico evapotranspiração planta cultivada

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