Modelagem simultânea de média e dispersão e aplicações na pesquisa agronômica / Joint modeling of mean and dispersion and applications to agricultural research




Several experimental designs that are currently applied are based on agricultural experiments. These experimental data are, usually, analised with statistical models that assume constant residual variance (or homogeneous), as basic assumption. However, this assumption shows hard to stand for, when environmental or external factors exert strong influence over the measurements. In this work, we study the joint modelling for the mean and the variance, the latter being structured on two ways: (i) through a linear predictor, which allows the incorporation of external variables and/or noise factors and (ii) by the use of random effects, that accommodate jointly the possible overdispersion effect and the dependence of longitudinal data in the case of binary measusurements taken over time. The class of double generalized linear models (DGLM) was applied to an observational study where the poultry mortality was measured in the preslaughter operations. With this situation, it can be observed that there is a strong influence from some environmental factors over the variability observed, and consequently, this reduces the precision of the inferential analysis. Another relevant agricultural problem, related to horticulture, is the tissue culture experiments, where the number of regenerated explants is counted. Usually, this kind of experiment use a large number of parameters to be estimated, when compared with the sample size. The current frequentist models are based on large samples for statistical inference and, under this experimental condition, can generate unreliable estimates or even lead to erroneous conclusions. A double generalized linear model was proposed to analyse proportion data, under the Bayesian perspective, which can be applied to small samples and can incorporate expert knowledge into the parameter estimation process. One clinical research, that measured binary data repeatedly through the time is presented and two models are proposed to fit the overdispersion effect and the dependence of longitudinal measurements, using random effects. It was obtained satisfactory results under these three problems studied. the DGLM allowed to identify factors associated with the poultry mortality, that will allow to minimize loss and improve the process, since the catching until lairage on slaughterhouse, agreeing with animal welfare criteria and the European community rules. The Bayesian DGLM allowed to identify the genotype associated with the overdispersion effect, increasing the precision on the inference about varieties selection. Two combined models were proposed, a logit-normal- Bernoulli-beta and a probit-normal-Bernoulli-beta, which have both addressed the overdispersion effect and the longitudinal dependence of the binary measurements. These results reinforce the importance to modelling mean and dispersion jointly, as a way to increase the precision of agricultural experimentation, be it on experimental studies or observational studies.


cultura de tecidos thermal comfort of buildings análise de dados longitudinais conforto térmico das construções likelihood. analysis of variance verossimilhança. delineamento experimental generalized linear models experimental design bayesian inference cultura de tecidos modelos lineares generalizados inferência bayesiana análise de variância longitudinal data analysis

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