Moda e hipermídia: analogias à luz da semiótica como teoria sígnica do conhecimento




The dissertation titled Fashion and Hypermedia: analogies lighted the semiotics as the síngica of the knowledge presents the discussion of a convergence possibility between the fashion language and the hipermidiática language. From the history of hypermedia and of the history of fashion, it was necessary to understand the phenomenon that has build them. The study has as a support the semiotics, the one that is used in the interpretative reading of the two areas that constitute the theoretical passage of the text: hypermedia and fashion. The text analyses the digital time as a beginning of a kind of consume where the characteristics can be within the analogy with a hipermidiática language. Thus, to understand the possible congruence between the two languages, first, one searched to raise the characteristics of the seen hypermedia as language. So, subjects as not-linearity, hibridização of the sonorous, visual, verbal matrices, labyrinthine structure, had been basic for this drawing. The same was done with the fashion, covering following the thematic ones: efemeridade, system of the fashion, technology, remix, fast fashion. From the raised characteristics it was possible to always trace some analogies between the two languages, having the base semiotics as bedding of the undertaken interpretative process, looking for showing that it has a rhythmic and structural similarity between the hipermidiática language and the language of the fashion


midia semiotica outros linguagem fashion hypermedia hipermídia semiotics language moda multimidia interativa

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