Mitotic spindle organization in normal and tumoral cells: interation of drug effects on microtubules and tumoral agressiveness. / Organização do fuso mitótico em células normais e tumorais: associação de drogas que atuam sobre os microtúbulos e a agressividade tumoral.




Several lines of evidence indicate that tumorigenesis in humans is a multistep process and that these steps reflect genetic alterations that drive the progressive transformation of normal cells into highly malignant derivatives. Understanding the cellular processes that lead to tumorigenesis is important to devise more appropriate treatments against various types of cancer. Antimitotic drugs are used in the treatment of some cancers, and among them is breast cancer. The action of these drugs lies on the mitotic spindles, essential structures that drive the cell cycle in the division of cells. Recently, researchers have outlined possible responses to the antimitotic drugs on cells, and these responses are dependent on the concentration of the drug. Low concentrations of drugs can cause the appearance of aneuploid population, which occur when a cell leaves the mitotic block. This study used the drug vincristine and paclitaxel on human breast cancer cell lines (normal and tumoral cells) to find if the drugs are capable of inducing cell aneuploidy. The results of this study indicate that low concentration of vincristine and paclitaxel can induce the emergence of aneuploidy population through aberrant mitosis. The drugs induce the formation of mitosis containing multiple mitotic spindles, resulting in aneuploidy population of cells. The role of aneuploidy in tumorigenesis has not yet been established, but indifferent to this is important find ways to inhibit its formation or the super-induce their appearance. These questions may have significant implications for therapies against cancer.


breast cancer flow cytometry citometria de fluxo citoesqueleto cytoskeleton neoplasias mamárias aneuploidia microtúbulos microtubules culture of animal cells cultura de células animais aneuploidy

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