Milk production, composition and fatty acids profile in five buffalo farms in the state of Sao Paulo. / Levantamento exploratório da produção, composição e perfil de ácidos graxos do leite de búfalas em cinco fazendas do estado de São Paulo.




The objective of this study was to determine milk production, composition and fatty acids profiles in five buffalo farms in the Sarapui and Pilar do Sul counties, in the Southeast region of the State of Sao Paulo. Monthly feed and milk (from eight animals per farm) samples were collected from April to November 2002. In one farm animals were housed in total confinement and were fed a TMR ration; wet brewers grains and a commercial grain mix and summer pasture and a mixture of grass silage plus chopped sugar cane during winter were offered in the remaining farms. Animals were milked twice daily in three farms. Milk fat, protein and lactose contents varied from 5.4 to8.6%, 3.7 to 4.9% and 4.5 to 5.6%, respectively. Milk fat and protein contents increased as the lactation progressed. Milk urea nitrogen showed a large variation among farms (5.6 to 27.3 mg/dL). The content of linoleic and linolenic acids in B. decumbens varied from18.2 and 20.8% (winter) to 19.9 and 31.4% (summer) and in B. ruziziensis varied from 17.7 and 50.2% (winter) to 19.4 and 45.6% (summer). "Milk CLA content showed a large variation among animals (0.31 to 3.42%). Pasture fed or green chopp supplemented animals showed a larger variation (0.44 to 3.31%) than TMR fed animals (0.31 to 1.74%). Milk CLA content was higher (39%) during summer than in winter, in pasture fed animals. Principle Component Analysis confirmed the positive correlation between odd chain and side chain fatty acids and a high correlation among caproic, caprilic and capric acids. It also showed a negative correlation between long chain fatty acids and short and medium chain and odd and side chain fatty acids. Milk hiper-colesterolemic fatty acids (lauric, miristic and palmitic acids) content decreased as the long chain fatty acids did increased. The indirectly measured Delta 9 dessaturase activity was higher in animals being offered small amounts of wet brewers grains throughout the lactation.


dieta animal fatty acid leite de búfala water buffaloes tropical grass teor de gordura composição de alimentos conjugated linoleic acid

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