Mídia, imigração e identidade(s) : as rádios bolivianas de São Paulo




This study aims to know the relations between media, immigration and identity with the bolivians radios of São Paulo. The specific objectives are to know how these radios work in the (re) creation of identities and cultural expressions of the immigrants settled in market making and sewing of the downtown. The first hypothesis acts to assert that the radios have an important role in cultural issues and identity, promoting specific and themed programming for their listeners. The second hypothesis states that these schedules of radios and theming specific form bolivian communities that, in turn, are contained within a broader bolivian community that has, in the latter, only the item nationality as a factor common to all components of this group of immigrants . The Ethnographic Method in Communication wrote the theoretical part, with the participant observation as their main research technique. The theoretical part was supported mainly by Cultural Studies and of authors such as Hall and Kellner, counting also with the collaborations of Latin American thinkers such as Garcia-Canclini and Martin-Barbero. The conclusions which we are that the role of radio in communities is varied, working on the production of different meanings for the participants of the realities of Bolivia, but which are independent of these senses, they represent the voice of people who find no room in conventional media for its claims, interests, whatever they are, and to aid in the coping of life abroad.


rádio transmissores e transmissão comunicação de massa e cultura migração identidade comunicacao media immigration identity culture bolivians são paulo

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