Micro-processes of learning in the law middle São Francisco. / Microprocessos de aprendizagem em organizações do baixo médio São Francisco.




There has been an increase interest about learning in the organizations nowadays. The growth of a pos-industrial society, whose origin comes from the restructure of the capitalist production pattern, has brought decisive impact on some fundamental definitions in the business field, such as, standardize of production, economy of scale and organizational structure. The idea that the capacity to generate wealth is more important than the wealth itself, has been used as background of all those changes. Systematic efforts of learning (development of mechanisms of creation, recognition and appreciation of the knowledge) have allowed the build of innovative competence and its conversion to organizational knowledge, providing a better sustenance of the organizations. For this reason, it?s necessary to evaluate how the individual learning turns into organizational learning. We aim to analyze in this paper, micro-processes of learning in agro-business companies, located in the Low Middle São Francisco region, considering the organizational learning concept, understood as the several mechanisms through what the knowledge is acquired by individuals and converted into organizational knowledge. This region was chosen because it represents a modern agrarian pattern of exploration that involves the use of new production techniques and work management. Furthermore, there has been great changes in the social and organizational context in this region because of this modernization, placing it in an strategic position to the whole northeast region development. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. From the most meaningful experience to an organization described by the interviewee, the acquisition and conversion processes of knowledge could be analyzed. The interviewee evaluated each of these processes by using a three point scale of likert type, informing if they hadn?t happen, if they had happened just a little or if they had happened a lot. The most meaningful experiences were classified into two big groups: management learning experiences and production learning experiences. The data passed through statistical descriptive analyzes by using the SPSS program (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). From the thirty questionnaires analyzes, we could verify that the most used mechanism for internal knowledge acquisition in the mentioned experiences was learning by doing it. In relation to the external knowledge acquisition, the most used mechanism in the management field is the relationship with suppliers and customers. In relation to the use of codification and socialization of the knowledge processes, it was observable that the management field has used several mechanisms intensely while in the production field, there has been a reduction in terms of variance of such mechanisms what can restrict the conversion of the individual knowledge to the organizational field.


microprocessos de aprendizagem administracao de empresas agronegócio individual learning aprendizagem individual organizational learning micro-processes of learning agro-business aprendizagem organizacional

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