Micobacteriose de ovinos (Ovis aries) do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Correlação entre teste imunoalérgico, cultivo e histopatológico / Mycobacteriosis of ovine (Ovis aries) from São Paulo State, Brazil. Correlation between immuno allergic, culture and histopathologic tests




The occurrence of few data on ovine (Ovis aries) tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis has motivated this work of isolation and typing microorganism found in lymph nodes and tuberculosis-like gross lesions. Tuberculin skin test was performed in 353 Santa Ines and Texel ovine breeds of two properties located at Pindamonhangaba Municipality - Sao Paulo State. Fifty seven animals were selected to be slaughtered and 31 of them had the bovine PPD skin test higher than avian PPD and other 26 presented bovine PPD reaction lower than avian PPD. Eleven animals (19.3%) showed tuberculosis-like gross lesions at necropsy. Most affected organs were liver, submandibular lymph nodes, intestines, lungs, mediastinic lymph nodes and mammary gland. It was possible to isolate mycobacteria from seven (12.3%) animals and genetic typing by the PRA method showed that five animals (71.42%) were infected with Mycobacterium flavescens 1, one (14.28%) with M. kansasi, and one (14.28%) with M. tuberculosis complex mycobacteria. Bacteriological culture isolation for other bacteria and/or fungi were positive for Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in four (7.01%) of 57 slaughtered animals. There was a concomitant isolation of mycobacteria and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in two (3.5%) of 57 slaughtered animals. Histopathologic examination demonstrated the presence of granuloma and positive Ziehl-Neelsen staining in nine (15.78%) animals. Results analysis allowed concluding that in this work, immuno-allergic tests (Simple Cervical Test and Comparative Cervical Test) were not capable to differentiate infection caused by M. flavescens 1, M. kansasi, M. tuberculosis complex and C. pseudotuberculosis. During gross examination and histopathology, lesions caused by M. flavescens 1, M. kansasi, and C. pseudotuberculosis were not distinguishable from those caused by M. tuberculosis complex.


mycobacteriosis ovinos ovines micobacteriose corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

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