Mercados de transporte rodoviário interestadual de passageiros : uma análise sob enfoque dinâmico de elementos determinantes das condições de concorrência




Markets for the Interstate Road Passenger Transport: a dynamic approach analysis about determinants of the competition conditions Regular services of interstate road passenger transport, or TRIP, are supplied by private enterprises under a licensing regime, according to the conditions established by the Public Authority. This study aims to analyse, from a dynamic focus, determinants of the competition conditions among operators in the TRIP market so as to detect the effects of state intervention, as far as fare pricing and provision are concerned, on demand, on the fleet and the revenues earned by firms, and on the passenger/kilometre (pass-km) ratio of both conventional and differentiated services provided on the same market by two or more firms. This study examines concepts of product differentiation, mutual interdependence among firms, price formation based on the total cost rule, production capability, and TRIP services. In addition, it compares fare adjustments between 1999 and 2006 to the IGP-DI, INPC and IPCA price index so as to identify fare levels. Its results show that price adjustments outweighed the IPCA index by 85% at the end of 2006. Moreover, fare adjustments were based on three scenarios, which resulted in an overhead of at least 40% at the end of 2004, the average cost of diesel and the vehicle considered only. Plus, secondary operational data on services were analysed, concerning the 1999-2004 period, and the result indicates that, regarding conventional services, the level of the fares may have given rise to a decrease of 8% in the demand and 17% in the fleet, and an increase of 76.6% in revenues. As for the differentiated services, they have experienced an increase of 41.4% in the fleet and 76.6% in revenues. Furthermore, the study shows that 90% of the markets are exploited by one single firm and that those markets accounted for 30% of the average passenger-kilometre, whereas 10% of the markets exploited by two or more firms accounted for 20% of the average pass- km. Lastly, it is evident that in the markets exploited by two or more operators comprising both conventional and differentiated services, the pass-km and the total number of rides carried out by the conventional service had an accumulated decrease of 17.85% and 9.87%, respectively. In the differentiated system, on the other hand, the pass-km decreased by 8.43% and the total number of rides increased by 24.25%.


pricing practices diferenciação de serviços interstate road passenger bus transport transporte rodoviário interestadual de passageiros por ônibus transporte e trafego urbano e regional differentiation of services tipologia de mercado determinação das tarifas market typology

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