Memórias relatos e percursos de formação : cosntituição de professoras de Biblioteconomia




The central objective of the study is to investigate the process of formation of the teacher of the area of Librarianship, being tried to perceive as this professional goesif constituting teacher with the specific objective to understand the relation she enters the process of formation and the teaching constitution in the area. The research presents qualitative characteristics, using the technique of history of life complemented/intercrossed with documentary sources. The stories are constructed from the memory, considered a representation of the lived one and the remembered one. Interviews half-structuralized with four teachers of the Course of Librarianship had been made, being a pensioner, with twenty four years of performance in the course, another one almost completing twenty five years of experience and more two between six-seven years of performance in the teaching career, with approach in the pertaining to school and professional trajectory of the same ones. For the understanding of the teaching constitution in the librarianship, she is necessary to identify in the passages of formation of the teachers the social scenes, structures and cultural gifts, the relations between the citizens and the citizens and the context. Thus, the work looks for to place the teacher in the historical, social and cultural context where he is inserted. It presents indicative that point with respect to a possible professionalization continued for the teachers of the area of Librarianship, opening perspective for a beginning of ticket of the librarian to the teacher, placing the professor as subject asset and participant of the changes in the exercise of the teaching in Superior Education.


teachers identity educacao teacher librarianship biblioteconomia formation processes formação professores

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