Memórias e identidades: trajetórias pessoais e profissionais docente na educação de jovens e adultos de uma escola cooperativada




This study investigates the identity formation of teachers of young people and adults at the Ápice Cooperative in the town of Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, characterizing it as a cooperative of teachers who have a major influence in shaping educational practices for young people and adults. This is a qualitative study, within the line of research: teacher training and professional identities, which is part of the research group: Education and Labor. This research is based on the idea of memory as a tool for the construction and reconstruction of teacher and institution identity, using the methodology of oral history with oral reports, in which memories of teachers who work with EYA were gathered. We chose to study the histories of seven educators, whose paths are marked by experiences that occurred at the start of the cooperative. Through oral reports, the memory and experience of these educators was rebuilt, including the training process they went through, what motivated them to become involved in the area of education for young people and adults, and the meanings they attach to political and educational practices in this field of education. In the analysis of these narratives, the history of the Ápice Cooperative is also traced, identifying the changes and continuities in this history. The results of the research seek to contribute to the recovery and recording of the history of cooperative education in the town, and to widen knowledge of the history of EYA in general, through a detailed study of the experiences and particular versions of the educators, in an attempt to understand the educational context through the eyes of those who actually experienced it. This study received significant contributions from the following authors: José Antonio Gomes, Antonio Nóvoa, Bosi Ecléa Halbwacks Maurice, Maurice Tardif, Maria Margarida Machado, Osmar Fávero, Paulo Freire, Sergio Haddad, and others. Through the oral reports, it was perceived that the marks of identity of the subjects with their professional choice began while they were themselves school students, participative and concerned with education. The cooperative school attracted the attention of the subjects interviewed, due to its ideals of cooperation and mutual aid. The commitment of the teachers working in this school is focused on training to work in the area of education for young people and adults, while the cooperative part is relegated to the background


teachers cooperative identity eya memory professores. cooperativa educacao memória identidade eja

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