Memorias de formação do curso de psicologia : elementos para uma analise critica / Memories of the training course in psychology : elements for a critical analysis


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study focuses the background in higher education, especially the Psychology background. We have decided to work with the elements responsible for the development of a critical reflection, considering the meanings and aspects of the Psychology background. We support the idea that the initial background is a fundamental basis for a critical performance. The present research aims at studying the elements of the development process of psychologists critical reflection, as well as analyzing what was relevant for the professional and personal development in the Psychology university course. For such purpose, we have tried, through autobiographical reports, to understand the perception that different people have about themselves, their careers, their purposes and the way they see the world, as well as to perceive, in the signs implied in the reports, the understanding of the different subjects about the traces of their university course in the formation of a critical subject. The four participants graduated in the Psychology course in the last ten years (as from 1997), two of them in public universities, and two of them in private ones. The meetings have been recorded and then transcribed. In order to answer the questions in the survey, each interview has been analyzed, with an index exploitation to check the common aspects in the interviews. Some elements forming their critical reflection were remembered: pair work, workshops, meetings with professors, research, training, curricular and extra-curricular training, and graduate courses, as well. The results and discussions have demonstrated that, in our country, the idea of having a more integrated curriculum, for a general background, does not seem to be concrete yet. We believe it is incumbent upon the professors to strengthen their political and ideological convictions, in a constant review of their practices in university classes.


ensino superior psicologia - formação profissional reflexão crítica higher education psychology background critical reflection

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