Melhorias nos processos de gestão e fabricação de uma indústria metalmecânica utilizando redes de petri auxiliada por simulação discreta


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The management of projects assumes a role nowadays each more important time in the enterprise activities. In manufacture companies who work in an environment under order, the projects have important paper in the survival of the company. Thus, these companies must possess an efficient systematics for the management of its projects, in order to take care of to the standards, each limited time more, of cost, stated period and quality of its customers. The efficiency of the productive systems also has great importance in the activities entrepreneurs now a day. The companies who do not present efficient a productive system do not obtain to compete in equality in this globalizado world, in this scene the companies must possess an efficient systematics for the optimization and the simulation of the productive system in order to arrive at an efficient system. The present work brings two proposals for improvement of these problems, the first one is developing of a methodology for management of projects and as a methodology of optimization of the productive system using nets of Petri assisted for discrete simulation, and to prove the effectiveness of these proposals a case study it was elaborated in a company in order to get itself resulted for the evidence of the elaborated proposals.


gerenciamento de projetos otimização do sistema produtivo redes de petri simulação discreta management of projects optimization of the productive system nets of petri discrete simulation engenharia de producao

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