Melhores que o patrão : a luta pela cogestão operaria na Companhia Brasileira de Cimento Portland Perus (1958-1963) / Better than the master : the for the laboring management in the Perus Brazilian Portland Cement Company (1958-1963)




This study analyzes the experience of construction of a Democrat-Christian laboring syndical group in the city of São Paulo between 1954 and 1963 centered in the workers of Brazilian Portland Cement Company, located in the district named Perus. The movement obtained projection in the national politics in reason of the economic importance of the Company and because the ample fan of social and politic alliances articulated by the direction of the local laboring union. In the years of 1959 and 1962, the unionism of Perus carried through an interesting process of joint of its fights with mobilizations of the workers of the region of the ABC influenced by the pastoral work developed under the leadership of Dom Jorge Marcos de Oliveira, the ?Bishop of the Workers?. The formation of the National Front of the Work (Frente Nacional do Trabalho, FNT) in 1960 resulted of this initiative. FNT was a civil association compromised with the fight for an independent unionism. The high point of the movement was the great strike of 1962-1963 that it aimed at to the dispossession of the Cement Company for the State of São Paulo: the workmen on strike intended that a laboring cooperative assumed the management of the company. This strike challenged the administration of the Governor Carvalho Pinto (1959-1963) and wasn t dissolver with the removal of the majority of the strikers of the Company in August of 1962. Therefore, it continued of diverse forms until the reintegration to the work of a part of laborers in the year of 1969, totalizing seven years and four months of legal strike. The 1962-1963 events, however, had taken the direction of the union to rethink its politician project, being taken it to constitute a Brazilian variant of the movement of Not-Violence conjoined with the deep changes happened in the Church Catholic of Brazil during the decade of 1960.


labor movement sp) syndicalism sindicalismo movement of the queixadas cimento - indústria - historia roman catholic church cement movimento operario igreja catolica - perus (são paulo perus brazilian portland cement company

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