"Marujos a bordo": o desejo homoerótico, a estética camp e a moda de Gaultier




The proposal of this study is to analyze the formation of a homoerotic masculine look that had being built since the XIX century (time when the terms heterosexual and homosexual) were forged, having as a temporal cut the period from 1969 to 1984. The perspective is to identify the changes happened in the construction of this look from 1969, a year marked by the conflicts happened at the bar Stonewall Inn, in New York, resulting in a change of attitude concerning the gay segment, that brought to the surface an entire way of being built in the secrecy of the ghetto, until the year of 1984. A relationship is set up with the fashion as a social phenomenon that points out these transformations, especially with the work of the French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultie. This creator incorporates the universe of the masculine gay desire and the camp aesthetics, getting, this way, to streamline the rigid conventions of the masculine dressing, through the contributions of this homoerotic look.


estética camp indumentária body homoerotism sexual desire fashion corpo dressing homoerotismo desejo sexual camp aesthetics linguistica, letras e artes moda

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