Marcha forçada: um estudo sobre práticas e representações do aluno do Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos de Blumenau/SC




This dissertation presents the results of research, based on an ethnographic approach, into the culture and subjectivity of a student in Center for Education of Young People and Adults, the CEJA of Blumenau, SC. At the outset, it explains the potentials and importance of ethnographic research to education, as a form of unveiling the culture of the group under study. This is followed by an analysis of observations and interviews made within the school environment, wherein it is perceived that the urgency of insertion into the working world has been responsible for abandoning school, at a point in time that they were researched. In the same way, this urgency has obligated these individuals to undergo a forced march away from returning to school. In school-subject interactions, above all there has been the rise of a euphemistic culture, whose first objective is to obtain the Certificate of Conclusion of Primary and Middle School in the least amount of time possible, a task which CEJA ends up assuming by reason of its teaching being of a semi-attendance character. Nevertheless, values, desires and dreams circulate in this school space that once evidenced, can assist the actions of educators and policies destined to attend to this specific educational demand.


culture educação de jovens e adultos socio-analysis educacao de adultos etnografia sócio-análise educação de adultos cultura ethnography education of young people and adults

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