Marcadores orgânicos moleculares como ferramentas no monitoramento ambiental: Avaliação da distribuição de Alquilbenzeno Lineares (LABs) em organismos e sedimentos, como indicativo de exposição ao esgoto em áreas costeiras / Organic molecular markers as tools in environmental monitoring: Evaluation of Linear Alkylbenzene (LABs) distribution in organisms and sediments, as indicative of exposure to sewage in coastal areas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The sewage disposal in coastal areas can cause impacts to marine life, altering the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity and causing serious diseases in humans. In this study, the concentration of a set of molecular markers for the introduction of organic sewage into the marine environment: linear alkylbenzene (LAB), in samples of sediment, oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana), mussels (Mytella charruana and Mytella guyanensis) and fish (Mugil curema) (Valenciennes, 1836) from Cananéia - Iguape and Santos - São Vicente estuaries, located in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. LABs concentrations (dry weight) found in sediment samples from Cananéia ranged from <1.0 to 80.6 ng g-1 and from Santos ranged from 6.7 to 1234.0 ng g-1. In bivalve molluscs of Cananéia, the concentrations were in the range 90 to 1849 ng g-1 (dry weight) and in Santos, the concentrations ranged from 110 to 50495 ng g-1 (dry weight). Studies in fish from Cananéia showed the following average values (ng g-1 - dry weight): muscle (64.7 ± 22.6), skin (124.0 ± 60.1), liver (164.0 ± 79.2) and kidney (9.1 ± 9.9). In the Santos estuary, the fish tissue showed the following average values (ng g-1 - dry weight): muscle (95,0 ± 90.1), skin (438 ± 437), liver (274 ± 147) and kidney (60.7 ± 35.6). There were significant differences between the samples of tissues of fish from Cananéia and Santos showing differences in accumulation of LABs according to the level of anthropogenic occupation. The LABs detection in these matrices demonstrated their ability to accumulate and reflects the exposure to sewage and therefore can be used in environmental monitoring.


alquilbenzeno linear Áreas costeiras coastal areas esgoto linear alkylbenzenes mexilhões mussels ostras e peixes oysters and fish pollution poluição sedimento sediments

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