Mapping of quantitative trait loci affecting performance and carcass traits on chicken chromosomes 3 and 5. / Mapeamento de QTL para desempenho e características de carcaça, nos cromossomos 3 e 5 de Gallus gallus.




An F2 chicken population was established from a cross of a broiler-sire line (TT) and an egg laying line (CC). This population was used for detecting and mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL). Over 2000 F2 TC offspring from 17 hatches were reared to slaughter at 6 wk of age. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured. The DNA were extracted from blood samples and informativeness of 50 selected microsatellite markers along chromosomes 3 and 5 were obtained in F1s. Data of 2063 individuals from 20 families were used to chosen offspring with high and low phenotypes for BW42, for selective genotyping. Twenty markers were used in the complete genotyping of 566 individuals from 6 families most informative. Interval mapping QTL analyses were carried out by regression method, using QTL Express software. Significant QTL at the genome were mapped on chromosome 3 for body weigh at 35, 41 and 42 days, gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, abdominal fat weight, abdominal fat percentage, weight of wings and weight of thighs. Suggestive QTL were identified for weight of feet on chromosome 3 and for abdominal fat weight, abdominal fat percentage, heart weight and feed consumption on chromosome 5. Significant QTL for abdominal fat weight and abdominal fat percentage showed strong imprinting effect. There was no evidence for interactions of the QTL with sex and family, or for two QTL on the same chromosome for any of the traits. Genetic effects were generally additive, with the broiler alleles increasing performance traits. Additive effects were negative for carcass traits, indicating that the layer line decreased these traits. Experimental population was adequate to mapping significant QTL for performance and carcass traits on chromosome 3, and suggestive QTL for carcass traits on chromosome 3 and for performance and carcass traits on chromosome 5.


genetic mapping genomas chromosome carcass genome mapeamento genético cromossomos galinhas chicken marcador molecular carcaça molecular marker

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