Mapeamento de QTLs para reação à doença mancha de Phaeosphaeria em milho. / Mapping QTLs for reaction to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot disease in maize.




Phaeosphaeria leaf spot disease in maize (Zea mays L.) has becoming a concern in Brazil in the last years because of its increase spreading in maize growing areas. Inheritance studies of the reaction of maize genotypes to this foliar disease are necessary to support plant breeding programs. Thus, the objective of this research was to map QTLs to study the inheritance and to identify favorable alleles for reaction to the Phaeosphaeria leaf spot in a tropical maize population. Inbred lines L 14-04B and L 08-05F, highly susceptible and highly resistant to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot, respectively, were used to develop an F2 reference population. Two-hundred and fifty-six F2 plants were genotyped with 143 microsatellites markers, and their F2:3 progenies were evaluated in 16 x 16 simple lattice designs at three locations in the 2002/2003 growing season, and at four locations in the 2003/2004 growing season. Artificial infection was not used, but plots of the highly susceptible parental inbred L 14-04B were allocated at the beginning and at the end of each replication, at each set of sixteen progenies, and as a border all around the experiments, to provide the spread of P. maydis spores. Ten plants were evaluated per plot, 30 days after silk emergence, following a note scale; i.e., from 1 (highly resistant) to 9 (highly susceptible). The plot means were used for the analyses of variance, and the least squares means across environments were used to map QTLs. The multiple intervals mapping (MIM) was used for QTL mapping. The joint analysis of variance showed highly significance for progenies and for progenies by environment interaction, but the estimate of genetic variance was significantly greater than the estimate of the genetic by environment interaction, and the broad sense coefficient of heritability was high (91.37%). Six QTLs were mapped, one at each of the following chromosomes: 1 (Ph1), 3 (Ph3), 4 (Ph4), and 6 (Ph6); and two at chromosome 8 (Ph8a and Ph8b). The average level of dominance was partial dominance, but the gene action of the QTLs ranged from additive to partial dominance, and dominance x dominance epistasis was also detected between the QTLs mapped at chromosome 8. The phenotypic variance explained by the QTLs ( 2 R ) ranged from 2.91% (Ph8b) to 11.86% (Ph8a), and the joint QTLs effects explained 41.62% of the phenotypic variance. All the favorable alleles to reaction to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot; i.e., resistance alleles, were in the resistant parental line L- 08-05F. The correlation between mean phenotypic values and the predicted genotypic values based on QTLs effects of the progenies was 70 , 0 = r ; and the selection based under both criteria (phenotypic means and predicted values) at 10% selection intensity (26 progenies) showed an agreement of only 46.15% (12 progenies). Nonetheless, the favorable alleles of the QTLs mapped in the parental line L 08-05F could be transferred to other inbred lines by marker-assisted backcross breeding programs, which could make them useful for breeding purposes.


milho molecular markers marcador molecular genetic resistance mapeamento genético corn mancha foliar genetic mapping leaf spot resistência genética vegetal

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