Manual therapy in postoperative breast cancer / A terapia manual como recurso fisioterapêutico no pós-operatório por câncer de mama


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objective: the aim of this randomized prospective clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) (joint mobilization and assage) combined with kinesiotherapy in women with impaired range of motion (ROM) after axillary lymph node dissection (ALD) due to breast cancer regarding the recovery of shoulder ROM and functionality of the upper limb (UL). Subject and methods: From August 2006 to September 2009 were studied 131 women who underwent ALD combined with surgery for breast cancer, with shoulder ROM ?100° for flexion and/or abduction in the first postoperative day (FPO). After randomization, 66 (GC) women were allocated for completion of exercise group and 65 (MT) were subjected to the same program of exercise followed by MT consists of joint mobilization and massage therapy. The shoulder ROM was assessed by goniometry and functionality through the Modified-University of California at Los Angeles Shoulder Rating Scale - Scale UCLA in the first, sixth, twelfth and eigthteenth months after surgery. For statistical analysis used the chi-square to compare data over time was used ANOVA for repeated measures. RESULTS: there was no difference between groups in the flexion and abduction of the shoulder and on the functionality of UL. The improvement of the ROM for both groups was gradual from 1st to 6th months, with stabilization at 12th months, reaching pre-operative values at the end of 18th months. Both groups in the FPO showed reasonable functionality of UL, with improvement at 6 months and stabilized at 12 and 18 months, achieved satisfactory results. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that MT associated kinesiotherapy has no impact on rehabilitation in flexion and abduction, and functionality of UL


mamas - cancer fisioterapia reabilitação breast cancer physiotherapy rehabilitation

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