Manejo obstétrico de la deficiencia hereditaria de antitrombina durante el embarazo y puerperio. Dos casos clínicos


Rev. Bras. Saude Mater. Infant.




Abstract Introduction: hereditary antithrombin III deficiency is a rare disease that affects 0.02-0.2% of the population. It may be associated with a higher rate of complications and adverse outcomes in both mother and fetus. The present study describes the management of a woman with antithrombin III deficiency and two consecutive pregnancies. Description: in both pregnancies, the woman under went prophylaxis with low molecular weigh heparin, to prevent thromboembolic disease and improve the utero-placental flow during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The only obstetric compli-cation was fetal growth retardation requiring strict obstetric control. In these two cases the eco-Doppler studies offeto-placentalflow were normal, leading to the expectation of managing a term birth. Discussion: low molecular weigh heparin prophylaxis in pregnant women with thrombophilia and preventive interventions for risk factors for throm-boembolic disease, together with appropriate obstetric care managed to avoid the emergence of complications of this disease in pregnancy and puer-perium. Fetal growth control and a Doppler study also help to ensure the well-being of the fetus and avoid a preterm birth.

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