Management of solid residues in the context of Varginha, MGâs local environmental management: challenges and potentialities. / GestÃo de ResÃduos SÃlidos no contexto de GestÃo Ambiental em Varginha, MG: desafios e potencialidades




This dissertation had the aim to analyze the indicators of environmental management adopted by Varginhaâs government and the public politics to favor âcatadoresâ of recyclable things. More specifically, it discussed the legislation and its objectives, considering the management of solid residues; the indicators of public environmental management available to be used by Varginha; the institutional configuration of its solid residuesâ management; the origins of the practices that aimed to provide suitable conditions for âcatadoresâs workâ, its problems, conflicts that grew up and what have been done to find a solution. During the development of this paper, it was used the exploratory case method and triangulation of the techniques to collect data. Grounded Theory was used to analyze data. This analysis was based on a sort of theoretical approach that includes public politics, Solidarityâs Economy, Cooperation, Social and Environmental Management. In the analysis process, it was developed an analysis paradigm using Grounded Theory. This helped to identify the central process, that was named âTrying to remove âcatadoresâ from the land used to dispose solid residues to develop selective collection of recyclable things and to have an appropriate destination to Varginhaâs solid residuesâ. Using this method, it cold be identified the causes conditions, the problem, the context, the interfering conditions, the strategic adopted by its social actors and the consequences of the environmental public politics that aimed to solve its problems and to regulate the process. A cooperative of âcatadoresâ was formed to collect recyclable things on 2005, otherwise it is not active because of a sort of limitations factors, as reduction of their wage and problems with the infra-structure provided by the Varginhaâs government. Since that they work in unhealthy conditions and try to select recyclable materials from garbage collected by public trucks. This strategy that was adopted during the process of planning another selective collection, bring as a consequence the âcatadoresâs social exclusionâ. Even more, that cooperativeâs work can not be considered as Solidarityâs Economy. And the public politics did not achieve a proper Social and Environmental Management. This dissertation shows, then, that is necessary to integrated public politics, society actions and organizations interests.


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