Luta pela terra, luta pela palavra: história de vida e formação de duas educadoras populares do campo




This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJAs teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each ones personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country lifes social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfos settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product. That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country lifes social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge


história de vida educação popular popular education educacao formação do professor teachers qualification life story

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