Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima: a biography of an architect / Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima: trajetória e obra de um arquiteto




Since the 50s, the teaching of architecture in Sao Paulo has focused on a broad discussion of ethical and aesthetic values, having as its diffuser centre the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP), and as its main articulator Vilanova Artigas. At the time, two streams used to have different ideas about the architectural discourse: the racionalistas and organicistas, or as they used to call themselves, corbusianos and wrightianos. The discussions generated by these two groups have sometimes gone beyond the architectural aspect. Among the wrightianos was Luiz Gastão de Castro Lima, who graduated by FAU-USP in 1954 after two years studying at Polytechnic school. The recovery of his academic and architectural production is able to illustrate a part of the history of architecture that was, for a long time, kept on the edge of historiography.


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